Sortable Tables
Most tables are now sortable.
Just click on the column header.
Flight Path Calculator Toolbox
- Distance and CO2 Emission Calculator
- For one airport pair
- Comprehensive details about: geodesic, carbon emissions and places along the route
- Matrix Distance Calculator
- For up to four airports
- Matrix with all combinations of routs between the airports for distance and CO2 footprint
- CO2 Emission Stopover Calculator
- To understand the effect of a stopover
- Spoiler: a stopover might reduce the CO2 emissions
All calculators show the flight path(s) on a map
Schedule Knowledge
You can now enter a flight even if you don't remember all schedule details like departure and arrival date & time.
New Point of Interest View
New dedicated page to show all flights that passed a well known landmark within a distance of less than 50 KM. Eg
- Angkor Wat, Cambodia
- Mount Everest, Nepal
- Eiffel Tower, France
Richer Timeline View
- First time to airport
- First time with airline
- First time in country
- Fixed a bug if departure and arrival airport are the same
New Field 'Cabin Class'
Added the Cabin Class as a field to the flight record: First, Business, Premium Economy and Economy.
New Timeline View
New dedicated page for the highlights of your Memories in a Facebook timeline style. Eg
- First equator crossing
- First flight to the northern/southern most airport
- First flight on certain aircraft type
- First flight to a new continent
- And more ...
New City View
New dedicated page for all cities with more than one airport.
Improved Maps for Flights Crossing the Antemeridian
Flights that cross the antemeridian (international date line) are now correctly displayed:
New Long Haul and North Atlantic Flights Maps
Added new maps that filter on:
- Long haul flights
- Flights over the North Atlantic Ocean
for World Maps in the user area and on the Airborne Comunity Dashboard.